Friday, June 5, 2015

English:Self-Publishing Project

Red, Orange fading fast
Daylight time is gentle past
Dark blue night at last

Grey and white seagull
With white tips dipped in black ink
Wroting on the sky

The warmth on my skin
Fire falls beneath the trees
Explode into night

Fish Soup
Fish soup in the bowl
Bursts with colour and flavour
Spicy hot and yummy

Violet blossoms
Vine decorations dancing
Sun and breeze move

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Haiku:Self-Publishing Project

1. Soup
Beef soup in the bowl,
Bursts with colour and flavor
spicy hot fuschia

2. Seagulls
Grey abd white seagull,
with white tips dipped in black ink
Writing on the sky

3. Sunset
The warmth on my skin
Fire falls beneath the trees
Explode into night

4. Daydream
A beautiful day
Dradreaming along the bay
Trophy js safe today

5. View
Trees are standing tall
Birds singing sweet music
Songs of memory filled past

6. Time
Red,Orange fading fast
Daylight time is gentle past
Pink blue night at last

7. Flower
Violet blossoms
Vine decorations dancing
Sun and breeze move

8. mrket
Natural harmonies
in the market of goodies
Here upon the earth

9. Ocean
Ocean waves relent
Light of day energy spent
Sea smells of salt scent

10. Food
Halibut so fresh
Guided bt tartar sauce
Get in my belly